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How comfortable are you?

Updated: Jan 30, 2020

Comfort is such a warm and fuzzy place. I like to visualize it as the most inviting, most fantastically snuggly bed ever...with huge down comforters and fluffy pillows. Comfort. How easy it is to stay in a place of comfort.

Following bible study today, I returned home to make some lunch and relax for an hour before I went to tour a new hospital that I am going to be doing relief work for. During my relaxation time, I found myself quite literally in my comfort zone .... in bed watching Netflix. How badly I wanted to stay in bed and lounge....make up for lost sleep and spend some downtime doing nothing. It would have been so easy to shut my eyes and drift off to sleep. But I got up and went about the rest of my day. Leaving our comfort zones, much like leaving our snuggly warm beds, sometimes takes a pep talk. Change is scary. Stepping outside the "norm" is even scarier.

Whether our comfort zone is a job, a relationship, a town we call home, or sometimes our bed...stepping outside that zone invariably opens avenues that we never considered before. Sometimes its terrifying...and sometimes these roads don't lead where we hoped however the journey we embark on in self growth and development is invaluable. The nice part of exiting our comfort zone as a Christian is knowing we are NEVER going out on our own. God is always with us...he may not always be visible but he is most certainly there. In fact if it seems like every sign is saying "leave this zone"...perhaps it is Gods plan to make you uncomfortable for now, but only in order to allow unfathomable blessings to come into your life.

Step out of the zone today....see what God has in store. Make today the last day In the comfort zone.

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